Sunday, December 28, 2008

T'was the day AFTER Christmas....

After 10 days of Scarlet Fever and Strep that Catherine and I suffered through before Christmas, Kimberly spent 4 days in St. Vincents for her Cylical Vomiting Syndrom. Afterwards they ordered a colonoscopy which, afterwards, she had a reaction to the anthesthia and spent 12 hours in the ER. Now she's scheduled for an endoscopy and hope all goes well. During the colonoscopy they did a biopsy with a clip of tissue and we are waiting to hear if all is well there. I knew Christmas this year wasn't going to be the best but I had no idea it would be like this, with us so sick and Kimberlly in the hospital. Cataherine and I are much improved. We were fortunate to be well enough to attend the annual family gathering at Richard's sister's estate in Ponte Vedra Beach Christmas Day.

The weather, still extraordinarily warm, reached 80 degrees for the straight 7th day. Putting that to good use, we decided to get outdoors and we went to the beach the day following Christmas. We were blessed with having Mya with us that day so she added to our joy. After being cooped up in the house for so long, I relished the fresh, salty air and her joyful presence. Here are a few pictures I took to capture our day.

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