Saturday, July 15, 2006

Well here I am at about day 7 of the blog and I still haven't figured out how to download a picture, which is what I really want to do in the first place! Give me time, I've had a new iPod for 2 or 3 weeks and still haven't figured that either. I guess this is a sure sign of growing old when I wish I was a teenager again, they seem to be able to master technology a lot better than people older than them. I used to be one of them! But that was in the days really before computers. When I was in high school, I was taught typing on an IBM selectric. We used white out then. What's that, the youmnger set will ask. Can't believe I'm half way to 90, experiencing menapause (just the start), have two grandchildren, getting AARP junk in our mailbox, wondering how many more years I need to work to feed our 401(k)...yes, I'm getting older. Not old yet, but definetely older. Old enough now to know better, go to bed earlier, call home more often, obey the rules, do what I should instead of doing what I want to. I didn't know that people acted like children until one day, all of a sudden, they started acting like old people. No space in between, just WHAM and you were there. When did that happen to me? I don't recall. Another sign of "it", that's all!

Well, I'll see if I can't figure out this photo thing. Get back to you soon, just as soon as i figure out how to HTML my post editor and find that darn toolbox!

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