Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. As usual, we enjoyed the day at Richard's sister's equestrian farm, "Mercer Farms". I bet there were about 50 people in attendance. One acre of the farm is reserved for parking. More food than you can imagine and a great variety at that. Afterwards Richard and I played a little basketball while the kids jumped on the trampoline or petted the horses. It was a great, beautiful day in the 70's with a bright blue sky. It doesn't get much better than that. Friday we 3 went kayaking. Only look very close at the picture of Catherine on her kayak and you will see a tow line as I pulled her behind me the whole way because the current was strong and I didn't want to lose her. However, in the picture, while I struggled to pull us both, she is sitting contently popping Cheerios in her mouth; as well, her paddle is laying across her 'yak...she wasn't even helping! I was so sore the next day I could hardly move. You'll also notice that Richard caught a very nice flounder and we enjoyed eating the fresh catch last night.
We hope everyone we love and care for had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are thankful for YOU.
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