I turned 47 and then had Mother's Day to celebrate this month. Thanks to a wonderful husband and a sweet, loving 7 year old daughter, I enjoyed both days. What I really wanted was to hear from my adult children but that never happened unfortunately. A heart ache for sure. But I have to take the good and embrace that and it was wonderful. One day we took the boat out for a long ride, motoring from our home an hour to "shark tooth island", staying the day beachcombing the island, picnicing, kayaking a little in the bay, and even swimming a bit to cool off, then motoring back home. It was a great boat ride, and a great sunny day. Then we went to the beach on my birthday and my best friend was there with her husband, a special treat. We girl talked and I cried on her shoulder--she's very supportive and always has just the right thing to say. Catherine caught the biggest fish all day, in just 5 minutes with the fishing pole. Rebecca's husband stood out in the surf all day and never caught a thing. I bet he felt pretty put-out when Catherine caught that fish in 5 minutes! That evening Catherine made me wear a plastic tiara and made me the sweetest hand-made birthday gifts. She made me cry, she is so sweet. I wish she's stay this young and sweet forever. She is enjoying gymnastics summer camp and just lost her two top front teeth and talks with a lisp now and darn if it doesn't even make her more cute somehow. This weekend we'll enjoy Father's Day. Sadly, I know Richard won't hear from the kids either, but we have Catherine and she brings us enough joy to make up for all the heartache left from them. It's too bad they don't even call her---they have no idea how much they're missing out on and it's their loss. Each and every day is a gift and we're going to live it as fully as we can because we don't know how many days we all have. So you gotta Live Fully, Love Often and Love Much! Which we will!
"The only bad thing about makin' a mistake is to keep on makin' it."
-- James Rupert Nance, Esq. 1908-1985